Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Missed the Memo

Going against the tide of Fishing Boats
We departed Sitka on July 6th at 10:40am heading northwest through channels protected from the open ocean along the east side of Kruzof Island.  While motoring up the channels of Olga Strait and Neva Strait, we kept encountering numerous fishing boats headed towards us coming from the opposite direction, one group after another.  
Ship Wreck (Tug) along Olga Strait
Neva Strait has a choke-point at White Stone Narrows, making it even more challenging for passing traffic.  
Beautiful Mountains at the north end of Neva Strait
We felt like we were on the freeway headed the wrong direction.  Did they know something we didn’t know?  Had we missed the memo?  
Mountains along Neva Strait
Maybe we should check the weather again before we reach open water at Salisbury Sound!  Perhaps there's a storm brewing.  Leonard re-checked the weather and confirmed the good weather window was still holding.  
Salisbury Sound
We thought perhaps it must be the end of a fishing season and the fleet was heading into port, it certainly was a major convention of fishing boats which we continued to meet all the way to Salisbury Sound.  
Looking back from Salisbury Sound
The Sound was named in honor of Bishop Salisbury by Captain Portlock; nine years earlier Captain Cook had called the area “Bay of Islands.”  Once we reached Salisbury Sound, we traveled along the west coast of Chichagof Island; and like Baranof Island, Chichagof has some stunning mountain scenery.  
Approaching Double Cove Anchorage, Chichagof Island
We were so busy looking at the mountains that we almost missed seeing the pod of Orca whales that passed by; we also spotted some Sea Otters hiding in a bed of kelp, they are always so cute.  Continuing north we rounded Khaz Peninsula on Chichagof Island and headed into Khaz Bay 
Got d' Fever anchored in Double Cove
arriving at Double Cove for our night's anchorage at 4:30pm, a beautiful spot with mountain peaks in the background.
Double Cove Anchorage, Chichagof Island

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