Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Roche Harbor

Ray Marina Traffic Alert
After departing Port Townsend in the morning around 8:30am, we crossed the Strait of Juan de Fuca with 3-4 foot choppy seas.  As expected, we encountered a wide variety of marine traffic including cargo ships, barges, tour boats, the Victoria Clipper, pleasure craft, and a large military vessel which put out a large wake the size of an ocean swell!  Even Orca whales got in on the act, passing ahead of us in the distance.  As we approached the traffic lanes, we noted on our Ray Marine chart plotter that two cargo ships coming from opposite directions would soon be passing directly in front of us.  
Java checking out our Anchorage Spot
To avoid threading the needle or a squeeze situation, we slowed our speed and waited for these large ships to pass well out of our path or coarse.  Once clear, we continued at 9 knots heading for Roche Harbor on San Juan Island where we anchored in the bay for the night.   
Roche Harbor, San Juan Island
We never seem to tire of visiting this charming village on San Juan which brings back good memories of family fun and adventure.  There is so much to see and do at Roche Harbor including visiting the old Lime Kilns, hiking the trails through quarries, and visiting the historic Hotel, Chapel, and Company Store not to mention the Sculpture Garden and the enchanting Mausoleum, a memorial to the McMillin family.  
The Company Store
It was John S. McMillin who founded the Roche Harbor Lime & Cement Co. in the late 1800’s, a company town complete with docks, a company store, hotel, church, school, and homes.  Visitors can stay in the historic Hotel de Haro or rent one of the Company Town Cottages and swim in the outdoor pool.  
Hotel de Haro
This charming village beckoned to us so we took the dinghy to shore and had a delicious dinner at the Madrona Grill located in the historic McMillin home.  
Roche Harbor Lights
The evening finished with a lovely sunset and the glow of lights from the company village of Roche Harbor.

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