Thursday, May 19, 2016

The To-Do List

Heading through Ballenas Is. into the Strait
Sisters Islet Light, Strait of Georgia
After leaving Nanaimo at 7:30 in the morning, we encountered 4-5 foot choppy seas in the Strait of Georgia.  Winds at 13 knots were coming from the northwest while current was pushing from the southeast.  When wind blows against current, the seas begin to build, or pile up.  In this case, we had 6 foot seas with short periods making for a bumpy but manageable ride for Got d’ Fever. 
As the day wore on, wind and current slacked off as predicted and the seas settled down to 5 feet, then 4 feet, and by the end of the day to 2 feet as we approached the city of Campbell River.  
Vancouver Island seen from the Strait of Georgia
We arrived in port by 5:30pm and tied-up at the dock in our assigned space, which we had previously arranged by phone.  After a long 10-hour day, Leonard got out the hose and gave Got d’ Fever a much needed bath and I started preparing dinner; Java’s bath, laundry chores, and grocery shopping were put on the to-do list for the following day. 
Beautiful Sunset at Campbell River
In the morning we met Derik, the new owner of the Coast Discovery Marina who has also purchased the popular fish and chips eatery located on the docks. 
The Dockside Fish And Chips
He expanded the dock-side seating, updated the tables and chairs, and created indoor seating as well.  Derik, outgoing and friendly, told us a bit about his family history.  His grandfather immigrated to Campbell River from India in 1906 and started a logging, timber products company of which Derik is now president.  
Derik's Loaner Truck
When we mentioned we were going into town for groceries, he loaned us his truck - all part of the marina service, he said.  Having four wheels certainly does help with packing around groceries, but don't bother dressing up - it's a large, dusty working truck from the timber company!          

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