Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Goddard Hot Springs

Dorothy Narrows
A new day and our next planned stop was Goddard Hot Springs on Baranof Island located behind Eovoli Island, just an hour’s motor away from Herring Bay through the inside passage of Dorothy Narrows.  We studied the charts and description regarding transiting Dorothy Narrows, a passage lined with submerged rocks requiring careful navigation.  
Local Fisherman (east of the channel marker)
The description was not completely clear as to which side of the green channel marker we should pass, the marker being in the middle of the Narrows.  We both concluded that reference was made to favor the east side of the marker.  We slowly motored into Dorothy Narrows along the east shore and saw a fishing boat coming from the opposite direction.  He too was keeping to the east side of the channel marker confirming that we had chosen the correct side; when in doubt, watch the local traffic or ask a local boater.  
Goddard Hot Springs, Hot Springs Bay
Once through the Narrows we motored into Hot Springs Bay and anchored in front of the Hot Springs on Baranof Island.  A lovely spot but the anchorage can be questionable so we took turns going ashore.  
Boardwalk along shore to Tub
A boardwalk marks the way to the tubs, one tub is located along the shore and the other tub up the hill.  
Boardwalk to upper Tub
Both tubs are enclosed by a wooden shelter and are maintained by the U.S. Forest Service.  You can even regulate the temperature from warm to hot by using two valves that supply spring water stored in tanks.  An outflow pipe in the tub helps keep the water clean.  
Hot Springs Tub
We noticed that there were names etched or penned on the sides of the walls around the tubs, of course we had to add our boat name for posterity sake.  
View from Hot Springs Tub
The best part about visiting here is the beautiful view from the tubs overlooking the sea; and for many, a long relaxing soak can improve the skin and relax the soul.  After spending most of the afternoon at the Hot Springs, we continued north passing Povorotni Point and Cape Burunof.  
Artwork inside Hot Springs Tub Shelter
The name Burunof comes from the Russian mys burunof (cape of breakers).  We chose Samsing Cove on Baranof Island as our anchorage for the next couple of nights, conveniently located just four miles from Sitka.  
Boat Name for posterity sake

Afternoon Sun at Hot Springs Bay

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