Sunday, June 26, 2016

Too Crowded?

Humpback Whale, Point Baker
After spending the night at Point Baker, we headed out the following morning and once again saw a number of humpback whales just off Point Baker.  
Port Protection
We carefully motored around the Point, the north end of Prince of Wales Island, into Port Protection to see this small community of 48 people, another fishing village begun in the early 1900’s by “Wooden Wheel” Johnson.  He began with a store and fuel dock which allowed trollers to stop for supplies and anchor in this large harbor.  
Port Protection
The port was named by Captain George Vancouver during his explorations.  Today Port Protection has a small number of commercial fishing boats and most services are seasonal.  
Port Protection
The town appears even more rustic than its neighbor, Point Baker; I guess the suburbs are always a little nicer.  
Mountains above Port Protection
From Port Protection we continued south along Sumner Strait stopping at the entrance to an anchorage called “Hole in the Wall.”

Hole in the Wall Anchorage, Sumner Strait
This nearly landlocked anchorage has a very narrow, shallow entrance which should only be accessed at half tide or higher.  Since we were just coming off of a low tide or zero tide, we could not safely enter the anchorage but did peer through the keyhole entrance, it looked very nice.  
Louise Cove on Kuiu Island off Sumner Strait
As the day wore on, three-foot swells started rolling up Sumner Strait and we decided to take anchorage in Louise Cove located on the east side of Kuiu Island.  Louise Cove provides good protection from most winds and looks pretty with its meadow like shoreline.  As we entered the Cove, we discovered an old abandoned cabin and took the dinghy ashore to explore the area.  Items still remain inside the cabin – remnants of an old wood-burning stove, a cup, and several buckets; wooden cup-boards line the walls and there are makeshift tables and a wooden platform for a bed.  I wondered who had lived here and why.  
Abandoned Cabin, Louise Cove
Perhaps a lone fisherman or someone who thought Point Roberts or Port Protection were becoming too crowded?!


Abandoned Cabin in Louise Cove

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