Monday, June 6, 2016

Hotspring Island

Hotspring Island
Previous Pool before 2012 earthquake (now empty)
We left our cozy anchorage on Murchison Island in the morning at low tide and carefully exited the cove slipping between shoals and rocks.  After a short jaunt to Hotspring Island, we cruised the area checking out locations for a temporary anchorage.  
Anchorage at Hotspring Island
Although exposed to the ocean swell from the northeast, some protection is afforded by anchoring between House Island and Hotspring Island.  Fortunately the seas were calm at 10am and we were able to leave the boat unattended with the anchor holding fast.  We took the dinghy ashore to see what was left of the hotsprings after having been disturbed by a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in 2012.  Haida Gwaii is considered the most seismically active area in Canada, having set the record in 1949 with a magnitude 8.1 quake.  
Leonard soaking his feet in the New Pools
After the 2012 quake near Hotspring Island, the flow of hot water stopped filling the pools.  Thermal activity below the surface of the island is once again finding its way through the rocks.  What was once a natural soaking tub now has only a trickle of water but new pools are beginning to form.  
The Stream of Hot Water Returns
We found several warm pools and two very hot pools deep enough to soak feet and calves.  While these pools are not deep enough for total body emersion, it’s a good sign that pools are beginning to return and may become deeper in the not too distant future.  Scientists from Natural Resources Canada are continuing to monitor the springs.  
Hotspring Island, a Gorgeous Place to Relax
Haida also once used these springs to comfort the body and soul.  Vegetation on Hotspring Island (Gandll K’in Gwaay.yaay) is influenced by the heat and warm water seepages encouraging moss, dense patches of Salal, and crab apple trees on rocky outcroppings.  The Haida found food in abundance here.  Hotspring Island continues to be a lovely place to relax and enjoy the fabulous views.  
Heading out to Juan Perez Sound
Collision Bay Anchorage
Departing the Island, we motored westward into Juan Perez Sound then turned south for our anchorage in Collision Bay along the southern reaches of Moresby Island.

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