Monday, August 22, 2016

Cannery Remnants

McKay Reach
From our anchorage in Lowe Inlet we continued southeast down Grenville Channel reaching Wright sound, then hung a left through the lovely passage of McKay Reach where we saw several whales just off Trivett Point.  
Whales in McKay Reach off Trivett Point
Fraser Reach
Turning southeast once again, we headed down Fraser Reach, all part of what’s called the “Inside Passage.”  
The Motley Crew
As the sun warmed the pilothouse, Leonard and Java decided to take their usual late-morning nap, what a motley crew!  We reached the old cannery site of Butedale around 2pm and tied-up to the rustic log-floats.  
Got d' Fever at Butedale on Princess Royal Island

We noted that new non-skid material had been added to cover the docks and a new aluminum gangway installed to access the shore and cannery ruins.  
New Ramp at Butedale Cannery Ruins
Although the site is in disrepair and most buildings have partially collapsed, visitors are still welcome with the understanding that docking and visiting is “at your own risk.”  Cory with his familiar smile greeted us as we pulled in accompanied by his dog “Buddy” who seems to think he needs to jump aboard your boat as a welcome to Butedale.  We invited Cory aboard as well and had a nice visit with him over lattes and slices of lemon tart.  
Cory with his dog "Buddy"
Buddy found Java’s basket of toys and couldn’t resist helping himself, I don’t think he gets many new toys in the outback of Northern B.C.  Java didn’t seem to mind, she just sat in the corner watching him play, not wanting to confront this big dog with the loud bark.  Java even picked out one of her toys for Buddy to keep.  As the conversation continued, we began to tell the story about Teka III; just about that time Cory heard them calling us over the VHF Radio.  Denis and Mary were passing by Butedale in their boat and recognized Got d’ Fever; they asked if space was still available.  What a nice surprise, Cory prepared to help Teka III with their lines and Buddy prepared for his usual welcome routine.  
Butedale, site of Cannery Ruins (Teka III at dock)
Cory does a nice job of sharing with visitors the future plans for Butedale.  The new owner of the property hopes to start cleaning the site (removal of collapsed buildings) early next year in preparation for new cabins and the installation of new dock facilities, permits are now in-hand.  Boaters are hopeful this will come to fruition since Butedale is at the crossroads of Fraser Reach and Graham Reach along the “Inside Passage;” this site would be a welcomed and convenient stop.  The Butedale Cannery was a thriving business some 65-70 years ago and pieces that remain at the site may be preserved for posterity sake.  
Dinner with Mary and Denis
While Mary and Denis hiked to the pump house above the cannery ruins, we prepared a surprise dinner; after all, it was our turn to invite them over.  We feel comfortable around their humble, unassuming approach, and as always had a great time.  Most boaters will tell you that meeting and connecting with people is one of the highlights of traveling by boat.

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