Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pleasant Shearwater

Mathieson Channel
Departing Rescue Bay, we entered Mathieson Channel, negotiating Perceval Narrows at the south end which leads to Milbanke Sound.  
Perceval Narrows
As we turned east around Robb Point Lighthouse into Seaforth Channel, we saw a Canadian Coast Guard boat adrift with four guys on the stern pumping like mad with a handle.  
Canadian Coast Guard
Were they in trouble?  Should we contact them and ask if they need help? – “how many onboard and are you wearing your lifejackets?”  We decided they wouldn’t appreciate the offer and that they were probably practicing some drills.  
Dryad Point Lighthouse
We continued down Seaforth Channel and rounded the Dryad Point Lighthouse, the east entrance into the villages of Bella Bella and Shearwater.  We enjoyed a short lunch break and took on some fuel.  A popular stop among boaters, Shearwater is situated in a lovely setting and offers a cute grocery store and pub/restaurant.  The attractive grounds have picnic tables and informative placards about the area’s history.  
Nice Views from the Pub/Restaurant at Shearwater
A totem in honor of Natives who served in the military and the model of a WWII flying boat, along with other images are found throughout the park-like setting.  It was here at Shearwater where an anti-submarine unit was established in 1941, sending reconnaissance flights out over the coast.  
Lovely Grounds at Shearwater
Today the hanger is used for storage and a work shop.  Painted on the side of the hanger is a mural depicting Natives and Europeans who contributed to the founding of Shearwater.  New amenities continue to be added to attract visitors.  This year saw the arrival of a latte-pastry bar in one of the gift shops, and most recently a new recycling program. 
Clever Recycling Program
For disposable materials, a cargo container with portholes is used to deposit items dropped into bins behind the openings.  A sign is displayed above each porthole indicating which type of item goes where – a clever and easy way to sort waste.  
Village of Shearwater
Visitors can also take advantage of the scenic helicopter tours offered out of Shearwater or make airport transfers via the heli-service (778-899-0513); the lodging at Shearwater remains popular with sport fishermen.  After enjoying a mango smoothie and taking in the view, we departed Shearwater at 2:30pm bound for the modern-day ghost town of Ocean Falls.

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