Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wrangell Arrival

View of Sumner Strait looking west from Sokolof Island
On August 7th we departed the anchorage at the south end of Wrangell Narrows stopping for lunch in a little bay on Sokolof Island with a beautiful view of Sumner Strait to the west.  
Anchorage at Sokolof Island
After a leisurely lunch, we motored into Wrangell Harbor just an hour away.  
Wrangell Cityscape
The weather was lovely, revealing the mountains behind Wrangell’s cityscape.  
Ferry coming into Wrangell
We walked through town and had dinner at a nice seaside restaurant, the beautiful setting could have been somewhere in Seattle, the view is similar overlooking a large body of water.  
Beautiful View over dinner in Wrangell
The body of water in front of Wrangell is the meeting place of Stikine Strait and Zimovia Strait, which creates a lovely vista.  The conversation over dinner was fun and provided a special time for bonding with our Nephew John.  The evening went by quickly and it was soon time to head back to the boat and prepare for the next day's excursion.  


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