Friday, August 5, 2016

Guest Onboard

Low Tide!  Steep Ramp!
As we left the docks to walk into town for breakfast this morning, we found ourselves hiking up a very steep ramp due to an extreme low tide;
A Steep Hike!
an 18 foot tidal change makes for an interesting challenge up and down the ramp to the docks.  Later that morning we would be meeting our Nephew John at the Petersburg Airport and decided to take the bicycles which meant another hike up the ramp, this time pushing heavy bicycles. 
Petersburg Airport
The weather by then had cleared revealing the gorgeous mountains that rise above Petersburg and the warmth of the sun felt great.  We were glad the weather would be nice for John’s visit or perhaps he had brought the nice weather with him from eastern Washington. 
Greeting John off the airplane (orange shirt)
We reached the airport in time to see his plane arrive and to greet him as he disembarked.  The airport located on a hill above town has a great view of the mountains and Frederick Sound which must look amazing from the air. 
Beautiful Mountains overlooking Frederick Sound and Petersburg 
John had packed lightly so it was an easy walk back to the boat where we had lunch and caught up on the latest news.  After lunch we headed out to tour the town. 
Local Boys Jumping off the Pier
As we walked up the ramp from the docks, some young boys were in their swimming trunks jumping off the pier into the cold water – apparently a summer time activity even in Alaska! 
Hammer Slough, Petersburg
The three of us toured the town, did a little window shopping, and stopped at a coffee shop for some cold drinks on what seemed to be a hot day. 
Boardwalk along Hammer Slough
Before heading back to the boat we walked along Hammer Slough while the tide was in, the best time for picture taking.  Tomorrow should be another lovely day and we are looking forward to our tour with John at LeConte Glacier.
Petersburg Waterfront (north end of town)

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