Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Ditch

Grenville Channel ("The Ditch")
Lowe Inlet
With a wave goodbye to our friends the Umstots, we were off the following morning heading down Grenville Channel, affectionately called “The Ditch.”  
A Sailboat is Dwarfed by the Mountain Peaks of Grenville Channel
Chatham Sound is at the north end of this 45-mile long channel and Wright Sound at the south end.  Relatively narrow and quite long, Grenville Channel is protected from the winds, however strong eddies can be experienced in portions of “The Ditch.”  Fjord-like Grenville Channel is stunning with majestic peaks and waterfalls, dwarfing the size of boats as they pass.  Several anchorages can be found along the way, including Lowe Inlet where we stopped for the night.  
Wharf Ruins from a Cannery Dock
The Inlet or bay is lovely with old pilings seen along the shore left from the cannery era, and a small waterfall where you can motor the dinghy up close! 
Verney Falls in Lowe Inlet
We could see fish trying to make their way up the powerful falls and wondered how they could accomplish such a feat; 
A Fish Attempting the Falls
we had to keep the motor running, pointed into the falls to keep from being swept away! – exciting for us, an arduous journey for the fish. 

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